It was me the whole time. I keep pushing the rumors Slapstick is going to be in #MultiverseofMadness!
Manipulator? MEPHISTO? Transcript
This is a transcript of the April 28, 2022, RGBots comic.
Panel One
Green and Red are hanging out.
Green: I have a fun new hobby.
Red: Oh? What is it?
Panel Two
A close-up on Green.
Green: I go online and post rumors I pull out of my ass about characters showing up in Marvel movies. Then when it doesn’t happen, the fanbase turns against them based on their unreasonable expectations.
Panel Three
Red stares at Green.
Green (off-screen): Mephisto in WandaVision was my masterwork.
Red: Do you do that for DC movies?
Panel Four
Green leans forward.
Green: Nah. They have it hard enough already.