Hawk shit, box office hits.
Good Neighbots Make Good Electric Fences Transcript
The following is a transcript for this RGBots comic.
Panel One
Red addresses an unknown individual, but presumably a robot.
Red: Howdy, neighbor. You don’t know me, but I know you. I’m a shit-hawker.
Panel Two
Red makes his pitch.
Red: I hawk shit, an’ I’ve been at it ’bout twenty years now. Now, you may notice I ain’t got anything with me. I’m sold out.
Panel Three
Red asks for ideas.
Red: So what I need right now is another heapin’ helpin’ o’ bullshit to hawk to rubes from coast to coast. So, please, tell me which early-2000s movie I should remake.
Panel Four
It was Green he was talking to the whole time!
Green: Reindeer Games, but with an older, puffier Ben Affleck!