If your group does not have prior debate rules established, what are you even doing?
The Man vs. Bear Debate: Part Two Transcript
This is a transcript of January 12, 2023, RGBots comic.
Panel One
Green leads forward in consideration.
Green: We’ll need to settle this debate through arbitration.
Red: Agreed. We don’t want a repeat of the ketchup debate.
Green: I still have the limp from that.
Panel Two
Blue is on her smartphone.
Red (off-screen): Blue, will you be willing to serve as arbitrator in the Man vs. Bear Debate?
Blue: I’ve already cleared my schedule.
Panel Three
Blue takes on a serious and committed attitude.
Blue: I promise to uphold the standards of previous debates and approach the debate without bias. Do we have a quorum?
Panel Four
The bots have come to an agreement.
Green: AYE.
Red: AYE.
Blue: Let the record show that we are really fucking bored.