*smokes cigarette*
It’s all so tiresome.
The Weekly Grind Transcript
This is a transcript of the July 12, 2022, RGBots comic.
Panel One
The three robots are engaged in a simulation.
Green: “Offensive conservative opinion.”
Blue: “Societal outcry!”
Panel Two
Green leans forward, toward Red.
Red: “Provided evidence disputing conservative opinion, dealing it to be faulty and manipulative.”
Green: “Conservative indignance, misdirection, or changing of conditions.”
Panel Three
Green clutches their head in shock!
Green: “Sudden, ironic reversal of fortune that undercuts the conservative opinion.”
Red (off-screen): “‘Life comes are you fast’ memes and humorously juxtaposed screen captures.”
Panel Four
Green stares off into the distance. Blue glances at the reader.
Green: “Conservative purposefully obtuse to irony, persists in spouting offensive opinion, refusing to ‘take the L.'”
Blue: See you next week.